By signing up to be a member you agree to abide by the Carlton Club’s Code of Conduct
The Carlton Social and Bowling Club C.I.C. Code of Conduct Policy
1. All members must abide by the rules and policies of the club.
2. All members of Carlton Social and Bowling Club C.I.C. are entitled to freely enjoy their membership of the club.
3. All members must respect the rights of other members.
4. All members are equal and have one vote, irrespective of the length of time you have been a member.
5. All members are entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect at all times.
6. The Club needs open, friendly and welcoming members. Please be tolerant of the views and behaviour of other members. Please be aware of the impact your behaviour may have on another member and be prepared to moderate your behaviour if you are asked to do so.
7. All members are entitled to be free of harassment, bullying and abusive behaviour.Harassment is any course of conduct from someone who either knows or ought to know that it will cause harm or distress to the recipient. Bullying or abusive behaviour is any behaviour which is intended or is likely to cause a person to feel uncomfortable.
8. In any club issues and disputes between members do occasionally arise. These should be dealt with as informally as possible. If a member wishes to make a complaint, the person being complained about, and/ or any witness members, must act responsibly. Members must treat the process as confidential and do their best to minimise not exacerbate the problem. All complaints should be directed to the Chair or a member of the board to be dealt with. Once the dispute has been dealt with all members must accept the conclusion and move on.
9. All members should act in a positive and constructive manner towards the club. Fair and reasonable comment should be directed to the Chair or a member of the board.
10. Members must take reasonable care over health and safety of themselves and other members, particularly when running an event.
11. Members should help with running “our”club by clearing their rubbish, using ashtrays, returning empty glasses and recycling cans and bottles.
12. Members who appear not to be keeping to this code of conduct may be asked to be more careful about their behaviour and may in exceptional circumstances be asked to leave the club.
The Club’s full Memorandum and Articlesof Association can be downloaded from the
Companies House website.